Old vintage-style photo that I chose to use for a project in a class of mine about a decade ago. Funny (but true) story behind this, I had taken it years before in high school. The photo project came up in this college course and I had no idea what to take a photo of for my project. It came down to the night before the project and I dug this up in my computer files and had an epiphany of a moment like, "that's it!" 

Took it to class the next day and the presentation went surprisingly well and the professor loved it. He even used the exact words, "I really like your piece," which I never forgot.

You just never know when something you are scrambling to find is right there in front of you the entire time.

I love sneakers, and I randomly took this photo of a picture on my bedroom wall one day to document something that I thought expressed this. Maybe I thought, "one day this will be of some huge value." And it was.

I'll never forget the ending quote on this which read, "Never ever deny them your love."

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